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Prof. Raj Persad, our Men's Health specialist, comments on a recent study linking viagra to a reduced risk of Alzheimers

Alzheimers disease takes an exacting toll on the population at large. It is due to the build up of ’gunge’ in the brain called beta amyloid which causes malfunction. Drugs are continually being looked for to reduce the impact of this disease. 

In a recent study men taking viagra were found to have an 18% reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. 

research suggests Viagra may be helpful in reducing Alzheimers


Drugs such as Viagra were invented to act on blood Pressure and angina but this new finding leads to hope that a new avenue for Alzheimer’s drug development can be pursued.


The beneficial effect of Viagra  may be due to it  improving certain types of cell- signalling and improving blood flow,  but there are many other theories as to its effect.


Researchers stress that a causal relationship has not been shown as yet, but only an association, after controlling for age and other disease states, smoking etc. Further research definitely needs to be done down this promising avenue. 


With this  initial report, It is important to define what potential positive drug effects viagra may actually have on women in the area of Alzheimer’s.


For now at least , men taking Viagra for erectile dysfunction , should also be aware that they may also be benefiting from an effect in reducing the risk , however small or large , on development of Alzheimers disease. 


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